ResearchOps and DesignOps 101

Aurthor: Peter Fossick

About This Workshop

Interested in scaling research and design operations to deliver impact and value at scale? In this 1 day online course we will define the principles and practices of research and design operations (ResearchOps and DesignOps). This course will explore how to scale and embed research and design by focusing on people, practices, processes, governance and how to measure impact and value. We will look at ‘Why”and the ‘How’ of research and design operations and how to scale in organisations that want to adopt research led, evidence-based decision making, using design thinking. 

In this online course you will develop an understanding of how to apply the principles and practices that support Research and Design Operations known as #ResearchOps and #DesignOps and how to close the loop between research and design to deliver at scale in agile organisations.

Facilitated by: Peter Fossick 

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Why do this course?

We teach the core principles and concepts of ResearchOps and  DesignOps and how to operationalise and systemise recruitment and hire talent, define roles, levels and competencies, define practices and processes, develop rituals, formulate governance, systemise processes and identify reusable components to enable you to scale capabilities to work with velocity and agility.

This short course will equip you with a n understanding of the bnefits and practical knowledge to enable you to start building your ResearchOps and DesignOps. Unleash and share your community’s expertise working alongside stakeholders, product owners, developers and business analysts in the development of new digit products and services.

Learn how to cast teams, develop collaborative practices and select software that link and support flow in toolchains.

Learn how to create a backlog by defining painpoints, new value pools and user benefits as stories to define requirements in the agile enterprise.

Learn how to systemise research and design processes.

How to select software, create tool chains and working ecosystems and maintenance of ‘libraries.

DesignOps is a collective term for addressing challenges such as:
– growing and evolving design teams
– finding and hiring people with the right skills
– creating efficient workflows
– improving the quality and impact of design outputs.

ResearchOps is a collective term for addressing challenges such as:

  • growing and evolving research teams
  • finding and hiring people with the right skills
  • Planning research activities
  • Recruiting users
  • Creating efficient workflows
  • improving the quality and impact of research outputs
  • Archiving, socialisig actionable insights that underpin design

‘Ops’ Principles

  1. Culture
    Organisational Structure
    Team Composition 
    Remit Definition
    Engagement with the business 
    Environments & Facilities
    Communities of Practice
    Career Paths – Role & Levels,
    Hiring & On-boarding 
    Education & Training
  2. Practice 
    Design Principles 
    Design Systems
    Research Repositories 
    Digital Asset Management 
    Work Commitments
    Scoping & Estimation
    Shaping & Allocation 
  3. Impact
    Quality Standards 
    Impact and ROI 
    OKRs and KPIs
    Share Success Stories
    Recognise Achievement
    Build Bridges

We’ll equip you with a working and practical knowledge to enable you to apply DesignOps and ResearchOps in your day-to-day job. Unleash and share your creative expertise working alongside product owners, designers, developers and business analysts in the development of new digit products and apps.

Course topics 

The Principles that apply to Design and Research are as follows

• The researcher and designer is responsible for user experience and the team is accountable.

• Evidenced based approaches to decision making Design, prototype, test and learn as quickly as possible.

• Measure, review, pivot and share – operationalised adaptability.

• Use software to do more, to create & deliver outcomes.

• Risk reduction through compartmentalising components.

• Systematised the design process and activities such support innovation and change.

• Operationalised proceses using toolchains of software.

• Codified and auditbale decision chains

• Outcome focused building prototpyes and design systems focused on the MVP and beyond.

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